COVID-19 has presented us with the opportunity to rethink many essential elements of our society such as: How can our work environments take advantage of the best available technology while supporting working families? How can schools be adaptable and flexible to evolving education needs in crisis? How do we redress inequities in health care, education, and employment to protect our most vulnerable? How can we best support our local businesses and economy while in self isolation? How do we manage the collective stress and trauma of a global pandemic? How do we remain connected and share our humanity in unprecedented times?
We at Vermont Connector believe the solutions to these questions lie in strong, resilient communities and adaptive, innovative leadership. As an organization, we are providing technical expertise to businesses, non-profits, and community organizers to lead and adapt to this uncertainty. We specialize in business continuity planning, resource development, partnerships, policy guidance, and community organization and coordination.
Let us help you identify your gaps and opportunities in your COVID-19 response! Together, we are Vermont Strong!